1. Research: Prime topics include health and wellness, with an emphasis on nutrition, exercise, hormonal well-being, posture, and the digestive system.
2. Make Lists: If it can be thought, it can be a list.
3. Study Grammar: Brush up on the basics at least.
4. When Irritated, Zen: Take pleasure in remaining poised and having an arsenal of practical, calm replies to any nonsense fuqery.
5. Clean and Organize: Bonus points for kitchens, closets, and bathrooms.
6. Bake Something: Make up the recipe if you can--ideally including some superfood, omega rich ingredients, vegan, nourishing, and yet genuinely delicious. Make it good enough to be a holy sacrament. Bonus if the dough doubles as a skin mask for your hands while working it. Speaking of...
7. Prioritize Skin Care: Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate. I also recently got into applying my used jasmine tea bags to my skin...
8. Resist Addictive Tendencies: Of any kind. Is there a cleaning product for this? Maybe invent one.
What did YOU do this Virgo Full Moon?